Dear Baby Jane blocks
Having a lovely, but challenging, time making up my Dear Baby Jane Blocks. Here are my latest:

B2 Sweet Tater Pie - Pinwheel blocks & I just don't seem to have a very good relationship. I'm darned if I can get them to meet perfectly in the middle! Think it is something about the way I press them. This one will have to do.

B12 Starflower - I'm very much enjoying these reverse appliqué blocks. They come together nicely. I used this method by fissiett.

B6 Wild Goose Chase - otherwise known as 'The Absolute Stinker' block or perhaps the 'So You Think You're Clever?' block! This one was tough. Anina said this is the 'advanced' block in Row B - yep! Armed with spray starch, Anina's method, and Wendy's method, I got there eventually. My daughter suggested I could make another in a different colour - she received a resounding "Not on your nellie"!

B5 Hot Cross Buns - a little more reverse applique. The sharp points on this block were a little tricky. Not convinced this one won't fray as the points are quite fragile.
Hello to the many women who are doing these Dear Baby Jane blocks & thank you for your lovely comments. I am up to date again thanks to your encouragement. Wonder if Anina has another 'stinker' block in store for us this week?!