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Step-by-step to a new purse

It has been a long time between


stitches for me. However, I did start a new project just recently. My 16-year-old daughter has been


strongly encouraging me to make her a

Brigitte Giblin Little Hexagon Purse

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Being 16, she is a little fashion conscious (!) and very pedantic about colour matching. She was very strategic about what fabrics I was to use for her purse:

Step 1: Go to wardrobe (or take a cursory glance about the piles of clothes scattered across floor), and note which colours dominate. Pull each of those colours from Mum's stash of solid fabrics - lots of neutrals, with splashes of watermelon, orange and teal.

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Step 2: Take solid fabrics to Mum's (mind-numbingly extensive) stash, and proceed to pull out every fabric that even closely resembles the afore-chosen neutrals, oranges, teals etc.

Step 3: Decree to mother that tower of fabrics chosen "are the ones I want for my purse - these ones Mum, no sneaking in any of yours".

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Step 4: Issue further instructions: "... and remember not too much pink, plenty of grey and black so it will go with all my clothes, Mum".

Step 5: Retreat to bedroom expecting that purse will be completed by dinner time.

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Step 6: Take reality check on estimated time of completion of purse considering Mum is still cutting pesky little 1/2 inch hexagons from fabric tower two weeks later!