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Things I LOVE about this bag

1. I LOVE that it is FINISHED!
2. I LOVE that I bought the fabric one day and used it the next.
3. I LOVE that the buckle that I found just the other day at the op-shop is: no longer attached to a hideous plastic vinyl belt; and no longer destined to sit in my cupboard of 'might need it one day' stuff for years.
4. I LOVE the soft, suede-like feel of the moleskin fabric that I used for the main bag body, found amongst remnants at a local furnishing store.
5. I LOVE that I could use a piece of fabric from my stash, which, when I received it in a Fabric Club years ago, was convinced I would never use. It was perfect! (Bottom frill & tab)
6. I especially LOVE that this bag matches perfectly with a woollen coat of my mum's from the '60s. I used to wear this coat when I was at University, & since moving to colder climes, have dug it out again. It is beautifully warm & my all-time favourite coat, right down to the labels inside.